Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Now That the Bar Exam is Done...

... it's time to get back to the stuff that has been on my mind the last couple of months.

1) There has been a lot of talk about relieving Africa's debt. The G8 conference apparently came up with a plan to relieve much of the debt owed by the African continent. Unfortunately, the agreement is laced with incentives for "Western" countries, not Africa. But, I guess that is to be expected.

2) I never really liked Sandra Day O'Connor (first female on U.S. Supreme Court), but dangit, I kind of regret that she is leaving, given the replacement that "country-bumkin Bush" picked as her replacement.

3) On a lighter note, I heard about The Fugees performing on the BET Awards. The world would a better place if The Fugees got back together... Well, at least Lauryn Hill and Wyclef. Pras is just "collateral."

4) Did you here about the department store in France that didn't let Oprah Winfrey in the store? Oprah said that she had a "Crash" experience. "Crash" is a movie that came out a couple of months ago about race relations in Los Angeles (my man Don Cheadle starred in it.). Anyway, it's funny how you can be the richest woman in the world and still be reminded that your just a nappy-headed little Black girl from the south. I do think there are much worse things happening to Black people in this world that makes Oprah's incident of not being let into a store that was a few minutes from closing look... well... unimportant. I know, I know, hell would freeze over the day something that happened to Oprah would be unimportant....

5) Oh, I have to openly admit to all of you... I, too was happy that Michael Jackson was freed. And yes, I have no shame. Another thing to anger Oprah ;-)

6) What the hell is up with Mike Tyson? It seems his career is over, but he still has to fight because he's millions of dollars in debt. Pitiful.

7) I'm sure the people in London are not too excited about using the subway nowadays. It is crazy that something like that could happen twice within two weeks. And now they're doing "random" checks of people's bags in New York. This is a scary new world we're living in.

8) Condoleezza Rice has created an interesting dilemna for me. It has been rumored that she might run for president in one of the next two elections. Now, I never thought that I would be thinking about voting AGAINST a Black woman presidential candidate, but anyone who is that loyal to Bush and his kin, is not ideal for me. I do think if she were to win, the Republican Party would get a surprise - Condoleezza gettin' "street" on Karl Rove. ;-)

9) Why is McDonalds working so hard to be "hip"? They are spending millions of dollars to have new commercials geared towards the hip hop community, as well as having urban fashion designers design the new McDonalds uniforms. Is this just another attempt to make young Black and Latino people fat, diabetic, and hypertensive?

10) On a sad note, two people who I went to school with were murdered within a month of each other - Elton (Howard University School of Law) on June 3rd, and Jamal (Syracuse University) on July 2nd. The similarities are that they were both killed in Black neighborhoods for NO DAMN REASON! I'm tired, and not tired in the Bill Cosby way. I'm tired because we just don't seem to learn.
Bill Cosby (and others) walk and talk about how Black people need to do this and that; and Black parents need to do this and that. Don't you think that Elton and Jamal's parents tried to do everything for them to make sure they walked a straight path? Do you think that they raised their children to go to college, and in Elton's case go to law school, to get shot and killed? -No. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of bad parenting going on, but it's more than the parents, it's us. It's what we're doing and not doing in this world that allows our community to go to waste.
I've used this quote before, but it is even more relevant now -
"I laugh when I hear people say that it is the parents who are to blame. It’s not the parents, it’s the society, stupid (emphasis added). The society with its venal, backward, and predatory values. This is what must be changed.” - Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael)

Just some stuff I had on my mind...

"I'm Back!"

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