Friday, August 05, 2005

Michael Jackson Racism?

Michael Jackson racism rears its head in Georgia

Date: Monday, August 01, 2005By:

"Is Michael Jackson not guilty because he is a nigger or [because he has] money?"

This statement appears on a sign that greets patrons outside a bar in Paulding County, GA. The owner, Patrick Lanzo, says the First Amendment protects his right to have the sign up. The NAACP quickly pounced on Lanzo, launching a petition to urge District Attorney Drew Lane to enact legislation that would force the sign’s removal.
“The sign is racist, hateful, and disrespectful, not only to the African American community, but to all of us who cherish equity and unity in our one human race,” reads a statement accompanying the online petition. “In addition to that, the sign is also a direct slander of Mr. Michael Jackson. No American should have to feel offended, or threatened as they travel through, or within, your county.”

Lanzo, who has a number of racist images in his Georgia Peach Museum bar (including cartoons of Klan members lounging on lynched black men and items disparaging Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.), has been putting up signs for the past 10 years that pose questions about celebrities in the headlines. When asked why he chose to use the N-word on the sign, he said: “Because it’s my choice of word.”

Clearly, this is crazy. And people wonder why I always say that Michael Jackson cannot stop being Black just because he's pale. It's because of stuff like this. I would love to roll up into this bar with about 60 angry Black people and see how brave Mr. Lanzo would be then.

Anyway, I'm glad I'm not in Georgia... I might be tempted to burn some stuff down.

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