Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

I have to say that I have no words that can describe the devestation of Hurricane Katrina. I really am so sad for the people who lost their homes in the hurricane. Even worse, those people who lost family members in those areas. It is one of the saddest things I had ever seen.

Another thing that struck me about the whole hurricane thing is the reporting. Not necessarily the reports themselves, but the reporters who were down there in Mississippi and Louisiana. I don't know how to feel about these people. On one hand, they were pretty brave to be in the middle of a hurricane and still do their job of reporting. On the other hand, what the hell were they trying to prove? One of the greatest storms in United States history, and there the reporters are, in the middle of the streets, in the middle of 150 mph winds and heavy rainfall. What the hell?!!! I do have to say that if they weren't there, viewers would not have the true understanding of what a hurricane feels like. But still...

My thoughts and prayers are with the people who live in those areas and their families everywhere.

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